We want to welcome you to one of our meetings and a chance to have fun, meet new people, expand your friendship circle, improve your fishing skills and be part of a group that intends to make a difference. Chapter meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of every month.
Next meeting August 28
Veterans Memorial Park
411 E St. NE
Auburn Wa.
Steak and Corn Feed – August 28th Our annual Steak and Corn Feed will be held August 28th 6PM at the Veterans Memorial Park in Auburn (411 E St. NE). It is located on the west side of Auburn High School’s football stadium. As in all the years past, the club is paying for the PRIME RIB while the membership will bring all the Potluck items. Club swap, trade, or sale event! Bring any items you have sitting around your garage that you may want to get rid of. So, go thru your unused items, bring them along with your side dish and see what you can trade or sell. Feel free to donate them to the club if they don’t sell. Please RSVP to Jim Hand jimhand_1@hotmail.com by August 25th so that we can have the correct amount of prime rib
Skokomish Letter to Secretary of Interior
Letter to Bernhardt
NWSportsman Editors Blog
November 2016 Speaker Presentation
Salmon Management Presentation by WDFW Laurie Peterson
2024 Club Outings
We have three planned club outings this year. Save the dates, more information to come.
The second is a trip to Neah Bay August 22nd , 23rd and 24th .
The 3rd will be October 4th and 5th the Mike Woods Memorial trip staying at Wishka and fishing the coastal rivers.
We are looking for an outing coordinator. Let us know if you are interested
Nisqually River Access
The Nisqually River runs through Fort Lewis so it is best to get access to the fort. Access Range Control operates the Area Access office to issue permits and grant non-training access to the Range Complex. The Area Access office is located in Building 4074, at the intersection of Stryker and Kaufman Avenues, JBLM-Main. Go to the visitor center located at exit 120 on I-5. You will need your drivers license, insurance information, and registration for your vehicle. Ask for a pass so that you can go to the Range office.